-- Ensure you're logged in as the appropriate user
-- 1. Define variables for schema and table names
DEFINE schema_name = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME';
DEFINE table_name = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';
-- 2. Check the status and size of the table before reorganization
SELECT table_name, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_row_len
FROM dba_tables
WHERE owner = '&schema_name'
AND table_name = '&table_name';
-- 3. Move the table within the same tablespace to reorganize it
-- No tablespace specified, it will remain in the same tablespace
ALTER TABLE &schema_name..&table_name MOVE;
-- 4. Rebuild indexes associated with the table
-- Get all indexes associated with the table
SELECT 'ALTER INDEX ' || index_name || ' REBUILD;'
FROM dba_indexes
WHERE owner = '&schema_name'
AND table_name = '&table_name';
-- 5. Gather statistics for the table after reorganization
EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS('&schema_name', '&table_name');
-- 6. Check the table status and size after reorganization
SELECT table_name, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_row_len
FROM dba_tables
WHERE owner = '&schema_name'
AND table_name = '&table_name';
-- 7. Optionally, shrink the table space after reorganization (use with caution)
ALTER TABLE &schema_name..&table_name SHRINK SPACE CASCADE;
-- 8. If partitioned, handle partitions separately
-- ALTER TABLE &schema_name..&table_name MOVE PARTITION partition_name;
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