prerequisite step: 1. Need to install and configure the GRID on the standalone server. 2. First check the locations of Parameter file, Control file, Data file, Temp file and Redo Log files. This is important piece of information as we move database files to ASM. show parameter pfile; select name from v$controlfile; select name from v$datafile; select name from v$tempfile; select member from v$logfile; 3.Take backup of spfile using RMAN and restore it to ASM disk group. rman target / backup as backupset spfile; restore spfile to '+DATA/spfileoradb.ora'; 4.Rename old spfile as it no longer required mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileoradb.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileoradb.ora_old 5.Create new pfile which points to the spfile on ASM vi $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initoradb.ora spfile='+DATA/spfileoradb.ora' 6.Bounce the database and check if it’s showing new location for spfile shut immediate startup nomount; show Parameter pfile; 7. As our database is already in no-mount mode, we shall connec...