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What is oracle database?
Oracle Database is a relational database management system (RDBMS) which is used to store and retrieve the large amounts of data. Oracle Database has physical and logical structures. Logical structures and physical structures are separated from each other.

What is schema?
Schema is a logical collection of database objects of a user. For example tables, procedures, pkgs, functions, triggers, database links etc.

What is a Tablespace?
It is a logical area of storage in a database that directly correspondents to one more physical datafiles.

What is a Control File?
Control files record control information of the all the files within the database. They used to maintain internal consistency and play a vital role during database recovery. Oracle automatically modifies the control files which users cannot edit.

What is a Segment?
A segment is a collection of extents which is used for storing a specific data structure and resides in the same tablespace.

What is an Extent?
Extent is a collection of Continuous data blocks, which is used for storing a specific type of information.

Define data blocks?
Data Blocks are the base unit of logical database space. Each block represents with a specific number of bytes. Default block size 8192K

What is datafiles?
Each database has one or more physical datafiles to actually store the data of all logical structures in a tablespace. Data file is divided into segments, extents and blocks.

What is Rollback Segment?
Database contains one or more Rollback Segments to roll back the previous transactions and data recovery.

What are the different types of Segments?
Data segment (for storing User Data),Index segment (for storing index), Rollback Segment and Temporary Segment.

What is a Redo Log?
The primary function of redo logs is t record all the changes made to the database before they written to the data files. These files can also be mirrored and used recovery operations.

What is a table Cluster?
Table Cluster is a group of related tables that share common columns are store related data in the same block.

What is a cluster Key?
The common column or group of columns associated with the clustered tables is called cluster Key. Advantage of using cluster key is that the common columns will be stored only once.

What is a synonym?
Synonym is the alias name for a table, view, sequence or program unit.

What are the two types of Synonyms?
Two types of Synonyms are private and public. A private synonym can be accessed by its owner only, whereas the public synonym can be accesses by any DB user.
Default is private synonym. If you want PUBLIC we need to specify CREATE PUBLIC while creating synonym.

What is System Global Area (SGA)?
It is a shared memory region allocated by oracle. That contains data and control information of an oracle instance. SGA is divided into buffer cache, redolog buffer and shared pool area.

What is instance?
SGA and back ground process constitute an instance.

What is redolog buffer?
It stores redo entries. A log of changes made to the database.

What is a shared pool?
Shared pool divided into 2 parts. One is Library cache and data dictionary cache.

What is Library cache?
Oracle parses the statement and determines the most efficient execution plan for a statement when a sql statement is issued. Then oracle caches the statement in shared pool. if any other user requests the same statement oracle shares the statement already in the memory rather than repeating the same steps (OR) to avoid re-parsing of the statement.

What is dictionary cache?
Oracle continuously request and updated the Data dictionary of the database to maximize the performance of the system internal operations. The data dictionary cache holds dictionary information. Oracle Data dictionary contains Meta data about the tables owned by SYSTEM and SYS schemas. Proper sizing of data directory cache allows fast retrieval of data from data dictionary.

What is Program Global Area (PGA)?
PGA is a memory buffer that contains data and control information of the server processes. It is a non-shared memory created by Oracle Database when a server process is started. Access to the PGA is exclusive to the server process. There is one PGA for each server process. Background processes also allocate their own PGAs.

What is Database Buffer Cache?
Database buffer cache holds data blocks read from data files. Each buffer can hold one database block.
Buffer cache holds most recently used blocks of data; it can also have modified data that has not yet been permanently written to disk. When row in a table is updated the foreground server process reads the datafile information on to the disk into the buffer cache. Hence modifying the data block in the server memory. If any user requests the new data from the disk, if no data blocks or freely available in the buffer cache, then DBWR writes the blocks from the buffer to the appropriate datafiles using LRU mechanism.

What is a cursor?
When a DML statement like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE is executed or when SELECT query is executed, the information like (statement and the rows of data accessed by it) will be stored in private SQL area. Cursor is a pointer to this private SQL area.

What are the important back ground processes in oracle database?
DBWR, LGWR, CKPT, SMON, PMON and ARCN these are the six important BG process in oracle database.

What is DBWR?
DBWR writes blocks from the buffer cache to the appropriate datafiles. It’s writes a block back to disk when timeout check occurs, the foreground server’s process doesn't have enough free buffer in the memory OR oracle performs a check point.

What is LGWR?
LGWR writes redolog entries generated in the redo log buffer to an online redolog files. As when a transaction is carried out oracle creates small records called redo entries. This contains just enough information to regenerate changes made by the transactions. Oracle temporarily stores this transaction redo entries in the server redo log buffer for all system transaction. Oracle doesn't consider a statement as commit until LGWR writes information in the redolog files.

What is CKPT?
It is responsible for signaling the DBWR at check points and updating the data files header & control files of the database. This duty can be performed by LGWR. Check point indicates how much of transaction redo entries oracle must apply when a server crash occurs and database recovery is required.

What is SMON?
It performs instance recovery in instance startup in multiple instances.
Recover other instances that have failed in cluster environment.
Clean up temporary segments that are no longer in use.
Recover dead transactions skipped crash and database recovery.
Coalesce free extent with in the database. To make free space contiguous and easy to allocate.

What is PMON?
This process performs process recovery when a user process is failed. It is responsible for cleaning up the database buffer cache and freeing resources. In the shared server environment its checks on the dispatcher and server process restarting them at the time of failure.

What is ARCN (ARCH)?
This process copy filled online redo logs files to the specified destination. The process is active when the database in archive log mode.

What is an oracle steam?
Streams enable information sharing. Using oracle streams we can share the data and events in a stream. Streams can propagate information within the database or one database to another database. Streams routes specified information to the specified destination.

How undo management happens in the database?
1. Earlier releases of Oracle Database used rollback segments to store undo data.
2. Oracle 9i introduced automatic undo management, which simplifies undo space management by eliminating the complexities associated with rollback segment management.
3. Undo segment provides read consistency, roll back transactions, recover the database and also used in flashback feature.
4. We can have multiple undo table spaces but the instance will access only one which is specified in init.ora UNDO_TBS1. This parameter can be changed using alter system.
5. During database recovery, undo records are used to undo any uncommitted changes applied from the redo log to the datafiles.
6. Undo records provide read consistency by maintaining the before image of the data for users who are accessing the data at the same time that another user is changing it.
After transaction is committed the Undo information still exists in the UNDOTBS it will over write based on the UNDO_RETENTION parameter value which is in init.ora file, the default value is 900 sec.

How to check the database is using pfile or spfile?
Connect to the specific database and issue below CMD.  By connecting to the SYS user.
SQL> show parameter Pfile (or) Spfile;

How to add a new control file to the existing database?
The first step in multiplexing the control files is to see where the exiting control files are located.

SQL> show parameter Control_Files; - Here we have two control files exists already, hence adding another one.

In order to add a control we need to update the CONTROL_FILES parameter with the new location using the ALTER SYSTEM SET CONTROL_FILES command.

SQL> alter system
  2  set control_files='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/ctl/control01.ctl',
  3                '/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl',
  4                '/u03/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/ctl/control03.ctl'
  5  scope=spfile;

System altered.

SQL> shutdown immediate
Now copy the one of the existing control file to the to new location.
[oracle@ora1 ~]$ cp /u02/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/ctl/control01.ctl /u03/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/ctl/control03.ctl
Start database as normal.
SQL> startup

One of the control file got corrupted. What is your action to recover it?
Control files are mirrored in different location. If any one of the control file is corrupted. Just shut down the database and copy the good control file over the bad control file & start the instance. Always it’s better to have more than 1 control file to avoid issues like this.

If there are 3 control files and one of the control file is delete while the database is functioning, what will happen?
1. Nothing to worry. If database is up and running, just quickly copy the good control file over the bad control file. Then invoke the check point using the below.
SQL>alter system checkpoint;
2. If database is up and running there won’t be any kind of issues may be. If we shut down and start the database, that time it may through an error. So just copy and paste good control file over the bad control file. And start the database.

3. If the database is hung status. Open another session and shutdown abort the database. Now copy the good control file over the bad control file & start up the database as normal.

All control files got corrupted. How will you recover those??
It never happened with me. But whenever the structure level changes happen in the database, will back up the control files using 'Alter database backup control file to trace' command. It will create generate a trace file in udump. Using this we can restore the control files.
Using RMAN backup also we can restore the control file.
Using control file backup, we can restore the lost one. We can do it manually (OR) using rman.

SQL> shutdown abort;
SQL> startup nomount;

If you know all your datafiles, you can create your control file.
1. Start DB in nomount.
2. Create control file script and execute it.
3. Alter database open.

If one of the logfile is removed while the database is functioning what will happen?
Always it’s better to have mirrored log file members for each group, If the any of the log file got deleted by mistake. Just switch the log file and replace the log file with good one.
Minimum we have 2 redolog log groups for each database instance.
Note: Firstly ORACLE will never allow you to drop the current ONLINE CURRENT redo log file. If trying to drop also it will through an error. We can drop and recreate redo log files which inactive status. But we cannot drop the CURRENT log file.

How check the listener is running from which home?
First check how many oracle homes we have. If we more than one oracle home & more than an one listener in that server.
Then try to find how many LISTENERS are running using the below CMD
/home/oracle: ps -ef | grep tns
Incase multiple listeners are running. Use the below command specifying the Listener name. From here we can now.
/home/oracle: lsnrctl status LISTENER

What is flash back database? Advantage of flashback database? How to use it?
Oracle Flashback database Technology introduced in oracle 10G
Using this feature we can restore the entire database to the previous state using restore point.
To enable flashback technology the database has to be archive log mode and the flashback logging also should be on.
We need to add the below parameters in the init.ora file to enable flash back technology.


The below for archive log mode


Create a fresh Pfile from spfile and add the above parameters in Pfile.
Now mount the database with the pfile.

SQL> Alter database archive log;
SQL> Alter database flashback on;
SQL> alter database open.

How will you increase the redolog size?
The Redo Logs must be dropped and recreated for changing the redo log size. It can be done online without shutting down the database. However, you need to make sure that the Redo Group being dropped should be INACTIVE when you do this.

SQL> select GROUP#, THREAD#, STATUS from v$log;
SQL> alter database drop logfile group <number>; - Which is inactive
SQL> alter database add logfile group 3('D:\DATA_XE\log1a.ora','D:\DATA_XE\log2a.ora') size 10m;

If someone one accidently kill the LGWR background  process? What happened in database side??
Have never faced this scenario but as of knowledge.
At the SQL prompt if we try to kill the LGWR process its through an error like below

SQL> alter system kill session '45,1';
alter system kill session '45,1'
*ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00029: session is not a user session

If the LGWR process terminates due to any issue. Data base instance will stop. We need to restart the database (OR) we look for the alert log file for the cause and what action needs to take based on that.

If one of the DBA accidently adds the data file into wrong tablespace. and data available that datafile. But client asked to do rollback? How will you do that?
Oracle not provided an interface for dropping datafiles in the same way that you could drop a schema object such as a table, a view, a user, etc.
Once you make a datafile part of a tablespace, the datafile CANNOT be removed.
We can movie the datafile location from wrong location to the standard location. That’s needs to be done in mount stage of the database. Or we can export & import. Before starting we can drop the whole tablespace & recreate with required datafiles;

Orainventory lost how will you recover?
First check the inventory location, using the below.
cat /etc/oraInst.loc

We CAN restore it from backup if we backup for that. If we have no backup is available. We can restore the inventory by using the oracle installer available in the oracle home. Even if the inventory is lost completely. Recreating it a simple call to the oracle installer, will recreate it and register the ORACLE_HOME.
$ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_NAME=<Home_Name>

How to recompile invalid components?
Using '@?/rdbms/admin/utlrp' We can compile whole Database components.
For schema level we can create a 'Select Alter' statement like below and log all the invalid objects in a file and execute.
select 'alter '||OBJECT_TYPE||' '||OWNER||'.'||OBJECT_NAME||' COMPILE;' from dba_objects where owNer='TICKET_DM' and status='INVALID';

How to identify which all databases & listeners running on the server when server is up?
For Database => ps -ef | grep pmon (OR) ps -ef | grep smon
For Listemer => ps -ef | grep tns (OR) ps -ef | grep listener

Why to use CASACDE option while dropping a user?
Oracle Database does not drop users whose schemas contain objects unless you specify CASCADE or unless you first explicitly drop the user's objects.
Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the user's schema before dropping the user. You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any objects.

What is ORATAB and what is it used for?
Oratab" is a file created by Oracle in the /etc or /var/opt/oracle directory when installing database software.
Used to list the databases and software versions installed on a server and also the "oraenv" utility uses ORATAB to set the correct environment variables.
The oratab file contains entries in the form of ORACLE_SID:ORACLE_HOME:Y|N. The Y|N flags indicate if the instance should automatically start at server boot time (Y=yes, N=no).

What are and files used for?

When installation is almost complete, you are prompted to run two scripts, and, as root.

Changing permissions of /u01/app/oraInventory.
Adding read, write permissions for group.
Removing read, write, execute permissions for world.

Changing groupname of /u01/app/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete.

Running Oracle 11g script...

The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME=  /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
   Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
   Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Finished product-specific root actions.

Table compression
SCAN listener
Database reply
RAC One Node Concept
RMAN UNDO bypass
Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)
Installation and Upgrade Enhancements
Storage Enhancements
Change Management Overview and SQL Plan Management
Database Replay and Automatic SQL Tuning
Intelligent Infrastructure Enhancements
Performance Enhancements
Partitioning and Storage-Related Enhancements
Using RMAN Enhancements, Flashback and LogMiner
Diagnostic Enhancements and Using the Data Recovery Advisor
New Security Features
Secure Files and Miscellaneous New Features


Is it possible to take backup of 11g and import into 10g? If yes how will you do that?
For whole database it's not possible. But schema level we can do other than database schemas. Have tried exporting schema data from 10G database and imported in the 11g database without any issues.

What are uses of expdp compare to normal exports?
1. Exp/imp we have up to 9i.DataPump is a 10G new feature.
2. Compare to normal exp/imp DataPump is very fast for loading and un-loading the data.
3. Exp/imp loads and un-loads the BIT level. But DataPump do it in BYTE level, 1 BYTE = 8 BITS
4. Datapump operates on multiple files called dump files. But exp/imp operates only single file.
5. Datapump access files in the server (using ORACLE directories). There is no concept like ORACLE directories in exp/imp.
6. Exp/Imp represents metadata information as DDL's in the dumpfile. But DataPump represents in XML document format.
7. Datapump uses parallel execution. But exp/imp uses single steams of execution.
8. Datapump will create the user if that's not exists. But here DBA need to create manually before import starts.
9. Using DataPump we can stop, resume and restarts the job.
10. If there no sufficient space while importing data, DataPump will resume until DBA to add space. But here it will fail directly.
11. Whenever Data Pump export or import is running, Oracle will create a table with the JOB_NAME and will be deleted once the job is done. From this table, Oracle will find out how much job has completed and from where to continue etc
12. Datapump we can set PARALLEL parameter while doing exp/imp(DATAPUMP)

What is exp compress and expdp compression difference?
In expdp we have a parameter called COMPRESSION. But exp we need to OS parameter to compress files OR we can do using PIPE option in exp/imp

I started backup 11:00 AM, but I want to take expdp backup until 10.00 AM only. I don't want backup after 10:00 am DB changes into that backup dump? How will you do that?
Have tried taking one hour old data for a database schema using FLASHBACK_TIME, in DataPump. I think works with undotbs.
FLASHBACK_TIME="2015-09-13 09:21:00"
export EXP_TIME=`date -d "-2 min" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"`

How to export only Meta data using DataPump?
If possible to back up the Meta data using CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY parameter.

How can you do schema refresh? What are the best parameters?
We use DataPump to do a schema refresh from PROD - UAT, MIGR and DEV databases.


How to check os mount points ?
df -h => Using this we can check OS mount points.


How do you rollback patch with opatch?
Just go to the opatch location and issue the below.
opatch rollback -id

How will you apply the patch on database, explain in detail?
1.  We have a centralized server to keep all the software's and patch once downloaded from MOS.
2. Once we download the patch, Will create a temporary directory and copy or move the software here.
3. Will open change ticket to get the proper approvals and required downtime. Will notify all the application teams before 1 or 2 days regarding this maintenance activity and inform the down time window as well.
4. We need to back up the oracle home location before applying patch using tar command.
5. NOC - network operations center will bring all the application.
6. Will add block entry in the OEM and shut down all the databases running under that oracle_home.
7. Then will unzip the down loaded patch.
8. Export all the below parameters.
9. Will issue opatch lsinventory - To check what all patches applied till now.
10. Then will go to that opatch directory and issue opatch apply. Opatch apply and the patch directory path
Opatch apply /tmp/2365617
11. It will prompt whether all the db's shutdown . Just we need press Y and the patching will start.
12. We can find the log in /oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/
13. Once patch applied will bring up all the databases back and run the below.
@?/rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply

NOTE: We need to have Opatch Utility & The patch to be applied > We need these both files.

How will you check patch conflict?
Using opatch apply command we can check what patched applied till now.
To check whether there are any conflicts among the patches to be applied, which will check if there are any conflicts among the patches to be applied, by giving out the detailed information about the conflicts/supersets?
opatch prereq CheckConflictAmongPatchesWithDetail -phBaseDir => <path_where_all_the_patches_to_be_applied_are_kept>
To check whether there are any conflicts between the patches to be applied and the patches already applied in the $ORACLE_HOME:
opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir <path_where_all_the_patches_to_be_applied_are_kept>

How to check what are the patches installed in database level and server level?
CD to OPATCH directory in ORACLE_HOME
Command => opatch lsinventory


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